Parvovirus in Dogs
Canine Parvovirus Every year we treat patients suffering from a range of serious diseases. In some instances, these diseases could have been easily prevented by vaccinations. For example one of the most [...]
Aural haematomas in dogs – ears
An aural (ear) haematoma is a collection of blood or serum, and sometimes a blood clot within the pinna or ear flap. This blood collects under the skin and causes the ear [...]
Bladder stones in dogs
Bladder stones can form in dogs just like they do in humans. The stones themselves (uroliths or calculi) can be described as rock-like collections of minerals that form in the urinary bladder. [...]
Bloat in dogs – Gastric Dilatation/Volvulus
What is meant by the term "bloat" in dogs? This is a term that is synonymous with the more scientific term Gastric Dilatation/Volvulus (GDV). Dilatation means that the stomach is distended with [...]
Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome – Flat nose dogs
Brachycephalic dogs such as Pugs, Bulldogs and Pekingese have been purposely bred to have pushed in or short faces. In the pursuit of this cosmetic appearance, a combination of compromising problems associated [...]
What is a cataract? Inside the eye is a lens that focuses light on the back of the eye or the retina. Vision occurs at the retina. The structure of the eye [...]