Ten poisons your pets should avoid
For many of us, our pets are fixtures of our lives. They rest when we rest, they spend time with us in the garden or watch dutifully while we clean the house. [...]
Hot weather – tips for keeping your cat cool
Many of us love the warm and sunny weather, as do the majority of cats. When the temperature becomes extreme, here are some steps you can take to keep your cat safe [...]
Lilies – the flower that is very toxic to cats
Although lilies are flowers commonly used in floral arrangements, and cats often have access to them, most cat owners and florists, are unaware of lily intoxication as a potential cause of kidney [...]
Poisons – giving human pain killers to pets
When a concerned pet owner fears their pet may be in pain, it is not uncommon to consider the use of human medications. Unfortunately giving pets human medications (especially pain killers) can [...]
Travel – restraining your dog in a car
Do I need to restrain my dog in the car? The answer to this question depends on your location and requires a mostly common sense response. Throughout Australia the laws surrounding dog [...]
Chocolate is toxic to pets
Chocolate in moderate amounts is a sweet part of life for many of us. However, even a small amount of chocolate to some cats and dogs can be devastating and potentially fatal. [...]