Congratulations to Dr Clare Jackson from Vetwest Clarkson!
Clare recently completed her membership exams for the Australian and New Zealand Veterinary College in small animal medicine.
Clare started her postgraduate studies two years after finishing university and in 2010 she began a three year Masters degree in Small Animal Practice. In November 2013, having completed the Masters, Clare decided to increase her studying level and sit the exams required to become a member of the Australian and New Zealand Veterinary College of Veterinary Scientists in small animal medicine.
Clare has been working exceptionally hard for the past six months, juggling a very intensive study load along with full time work.
In the next few years Clare hopes to use her membership status to undertake a residency and gain specialist status in small animal medicine. For now though, she is very happy putting her extra knowledge and skills to good use with her patients at Vetwest Clarkson.