Who to contact for support
Lifeline 13 11 14 Lifeline offers a 24-hour counselling service. Phone 13 11 14 (local call charges apply) or visit the website www.lifeline.org.au Pet Counselling services in Perth The following counsellors are [...]
Ferrets – frequently asked questions
Ferrets might not be your average household pet however they are highly intelligent and friendly little companions who can live a long life compared to other small animals. Here are some frequently [...]
Guinea Pig Care
A Guinea Pig is also known as a Cavy which is derived from the scientific name, Cavia porcellus. Guinea Pigs make fantastic pets for those people limited by space, and those that [...]
Mouse care
When you think of a traditional small pet, you might think of a rabbit or guinea pig. Though often overlooked, the mouse can also make an excellent pet. Particularly for children as [...]
Rabbit care
As part of the Leporidae family, rabbits are found in many parts of the world both in the wild and in family homes as pets. Similar to cats and dogs, rabbits make [...]
Rabbit ears – ears or air-conditioners?
Unlike people, rabbits do not sweat to lose body heat rather they use their unique ears and a panting action to do so. If you look close enough at a rabbit's ear [...]