When to visit the vet
We often get phone calls from clients who are concerned about the symptoms their pet are showing, but are unsure whether it is a sign of something more sinister or if things [...]
Your pet is a senior, what changes do you need to make?
The key to keeping your best friend happy and healthy in their senior years is early detection and prevention. Visit your veterinarian for your pet's senior health care exam at least every [...]
How often do cats come on call?
Queens come into oestrus otherwise referred to as ‘heat' or ‘call' many times a year. Each oestrus lasts approximately one week and if a female cat is not mated she will usually [...]
How do you keep your best friends around as long as possible?
The answer is early diagnosis and treatment which can be achieved by visiting your veterinarian for twice yearly check-ups. Dogs and cats age much faster than we do and as a result, [...]
Reason your cat may not be eating
If your cat’s appetite has changed recently, it could be due to something as simple as fussiness. However it could also be an indicator of an underlying medical problem. While the causes [...]
Lawn care – how do you stop your lawn from turning yellow?
Studies have shown that the nitrogen content and concentration in your dog's urine causes the yellowing or burning that results in dead patches in your lawn. Female dogs are the major culprits, [...]