Spot first visited Vetwest Midland in early January as a 6 week old puppy for her first vaccination. She was a lovely bright bubbly puppy, an absolute pleasure.
Spot was next due to visit Vetwest Midland 4 weeks later for her final puppy vaccination, but she decided she wanted to visit us sooner.
In late January, whilst Spot’s owner was out of the house, Spot managed to get into some mischief! When Spot’s owner got home they could see Spot was limping badly on her right foreleg. What had you been up to Spot?
Spot’s owners called Vetwest Midland to book an appointment and Spot was brought in for consultation and subsequent further assessment of her sore right foreleg.
X-Rays of her right foreleg revealed that Spot had 2 fractured toes (metatarsal bones). We proceeded to place a splint on Spot’s leg to support her fractured toes. She adapted to the splint very quickly and was tearing around at home in no time.
Spot was then examined in our hospital on a weekly basis to assess her progress. 3 weeks after her initial injury, new radiographs were taken to assess how the fractures were healing. The radiographs showed the fractures had healed well.
Spot’s splint was then removed. Initially, she was a bit unsure about using her right foreleg following splint removal, but within minutes she starting using her leg again.
1 week after splint removal, Spot came in for one final examination. She was running around the consult room, no problems at all. It’s hard to believe that only 4 weeks ago she had 2 fractured toes. It’s amazing how quickly fractures can heal in puppies given the right treatment and great commitment from a dedicated owner.