Stress in your bird
Birds get stressed too! Stress can be defined as the physiological response of a bird to a situation that causes it strain or tension, such as overcrowding, too high or too low [...]
Moving house – settling your cat into a new house
So you are about to move house and concerned about settling your cats into their new environment? Here are some handy tips on making the transition stress free and as safe as [...]
Catbox and cage phobia – taking your cat to the vet
The key to making your cat's trip to the vet, or any trip in their carry cage a stress free one is creating a positive association with their cage, carrier or cat [...]
Thirsty cat – is it just hot or is something up?
As the weather starts to warm up a cat’s water requirements naturally increase. However, cats are very adept at masking signs of illness and often it is only very subtle changes in [...]
Tail chasing – Does your dog chase their tail?
By nature, dogs are playful and it’s not uncommon for them to occasionally chase their tails. It can become a problem, however, when it becomes repetitive, excessive, causes injury or interrupts your [...]
Feather picking or loss – what can you do?
Most feather problems are due to one of five things; psychological factors/boredom, nutritional deficiencies, infections, hormonal imbalances, or parasites. Here's a list of things you should be doing to prevent feather loss. [...]