Desexing – about the sterilisation procedure
Deciding whether or not to have your pet desexed is a big decision, and from our point a view a significant surgical procedure that requires a high level of care and skill. [...]
Ears – problems, cleaning and giving drops
Getting to know your pet's ears can help detect and prevent ear problems and infections. Whilst some breeds of pets, particularly breeds of dogs, are prone to ear problems, inflammation (otitis) and [...]
Exercise and nutrition for your cat
With over 32% of cats considered overweight or obese in Australia, we often see and treat the problems associated with excessive weight. Unless a cat has an underlying medical issue, there are [...]
Eye drops – administering your cat’s eye drops
Administering eye drops in most cats can be tricky business. Mastering the process of holding your cat and the eye drop bottle in the correct position whilst ensuring the medication makes its [...]
Feeding – Top 5 foods you should never feed to your cat
Some 'people food' is safe for cats in small amounts, but certain items, such as raw fish and eggs, are definitely hazardous. 1. raw fish Human-grade sushi is generally safe for people, [...]
Feeding a fussy eater
Many pet parents become concerned that their fussy-eater will go hungry or will not receive the proper nutrition necessary to be healthy. There are many reasons why pet's turn their nose up [...]