Feeding your dog
With so many brands and types of dog food available it can be difficult to know what is best. The nutritional needs of your dog have evolved in the natural or wild [...]
Feeding your puppy
The feeding requirements of a puppy vary depending on a number of factors including breed type, sex of your dog, age and their activity level. From birth to about 3-4 weeks of [...]
Flies – tips on how to stop flies annoying your pet
Come summer time, Housefly, Stable Fly, Buffalo Fly and Sandflies can become a significant problem for domestic pets. Continual fly bites to the ears and noses of pets can lead to serious [...]
Grooming – giving your dog a bath and tips for shampooing
Shampooing your dog for the first time, or not sure how often your pet should be washed, and what about hydrobathing? Check out our tips for shampooing here. Thoroughly wet your dog [...]
Nail clipping for dogs
Understandably nail clipping can be a stressful if not frustrating time for dogs and dog owners. However keeping your dog's nails neat and tidy is essential for preventing potential breaks, tears, ingrown [...]
Shedding in cats and dogs
There’s nothing like coming home to find your favourite pet curled up asleep, cute as anything…on your favourite jacket. As much as we adore them, the same cannot always be said for [...]