Breed Profiles

Breed Profiles2022-09-09T00:45:46+08:00


Bullmastiffs, originally bred from English Mastiffs and English Bulldogs, were used to catch and hold down poachers in the forests of England during the 19th century. Although developed as a guard dog [...]


The word Schipperke is Flemish for 'little skipper', and derives from the fact that these small active dogs were used as watchdogs, companions and ratters on barges and riverboats in Belgium. Appearance [...]


The Puli is a unique herding dog initially bred as a workmate and companion for Hungarian shepherds. Since attracting attention and popularity since early last century, the Puli has become a proud [...]


The Burmese is a personality plus cat with a sunny disposition and unflappable nature ideally suited to Australian lifestyles. A happy go-lucky tomboy of a cat, the Burmese retains their kittenish curiosity [...]

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