The smallest of the Spitz group of dogs, the Pomeranian is a descendant of the much larger artic breeds such as the Samoyed. Allegedly named after the province of Pomerania in Europe, this breed was created in the 19th century. Towards the end of the century, Queen Victoria adopted Pomeranians and since then its popularity has soared dramatically.
Temperament and Appearance
The Pomeranian, fondly referred to as ‘Poms’ are sturdy and robust little dogs. They exhibit great intelligence in their expression, docility in their disposition, and activity and buoyancy in deportment. The Pomeranian’s tremendous vivacity and spirit is one of the true characteristics of the breed. They are also somewhat of a busybody, being ultra inquisitive and full of their own self importance.
Never to be left out of any fun and games, the ‘Pom’ thrives on human companionship as well as creature comforts including lots of pampering.
Due to their small size the this tiny canine is best suited to adult households or those with older, gentle children.
10-12 years
Grooming and care
The two-ply coat of the Pomeranian comes in a variety of glowing colours and needs daily attention. To prevent matting the coat should be brushed daily and groomed professionally on a regular basis. For this reason grooming should commence at an early age so your Pomeranian becomes familiar with the attention they will receive both from you and your groomer.
Pomeranians are intelligent and energetic and will enjoy and do well at obedience training. A small house and yard is sufficient. Daily exercise or activities will help to keep the mind at bay as when left alone, the Pom has a tendency to be noisy.
Health Concerns
For the latest research in breed-related problems in Pomeranians visit the University of Sydney’s LIDA (Listing of Inherited Disorders in Animals) website.